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Greenfox Gundogs- Working kennels based nr Downham Market, Norfolk.
Owned and run by husband and wife team Andrew & Rebecca Gyton, Rebecca was a full time gamekeeper working on the same shoot in Norfolk for 13 years, now devotes her time to training the gundogs and running the kennels. Andrew also was a full time keeper and now works alongside Rebecca. Both share a passion for their dogs & working their English Springers, Cocker spaniels and Labradors. First and foremost their dogs are required to work hard throughout the shooting season: either picking-up, beating, on the peg or competing at field trials an average season we usually do 80+ days.
All Greenfox Gundogs are Kennel Club Registered and are from the UK’s best working & field trial bloodlines, comprising great natural working instinct, ability & sound temperaments.
We offer a full stud dog service and have several top class working dogs standing at stud (see stud page)
We have successfully bred dogs that are working throughout the UK – as far north as The Isle of Mull and as far south as The Isle of Wight, there are also Greenfox dogs across Europe in France, Belgium, Norway, The Netherlands, dogs we’ve bred are also working in Hong Kong and USA
Dogs bred by us have gone on to have great careers in the shooting field wheather it be on the peg, beating, picking up, in field trials/working tests, or deer stalking, several Greenfox’s are in police service for search work, some have been trained as assistance/medical alert dogs, several competing in agility and flyball as well as enjoying active pet homes.
We have been breeding dogs for over 20 years and are Fully licensed & inspected, we hold the highest standard of 5 Stars rating with our local council.
Our emphasis is on healthy working dogs that are fit for function with top class pedigrees, correct conformation that are easy to train and a joy to own/work.
Greenfox is the registered UK Kennel Club Affix of Mr AR & Mrs RK Gyton
Our working dogs pictured on the front cover of the Shooting Times 2016 (Left)
Our dogs also pictured as part of the BBC Countryfile card collection 2017 (Right)
Our dogs also pictures on Front cover of The Countryside Alliance Magazine (2017)
Phone: Andrew 07884186874
or Rebecca 07795 365430